3D printed Watercolor Palette Tray
Watercolor is my favorite painting medium, and after trying different brands, I've chosen Sennelier as my primary palette. On my recent trip to Paris, I got a beautiful 48-half-pan watercolor palette at a very reasonable price. It has all the colors I wanted to add to my studio palette, but my biggest problem is fitting the full pans I already have with the new colors in a 48-half-pan palette. Most 48-half-pan watercolor palettes have 4 rows that fit 12 half-pans, but there is enough space to accommodate 5 rows of pans, increasing the number of colors to 60. I found a watercolor palette hack on YouTube that inspired me to find a long-term solution. I searched for a 3D-printed solution, but I had no luck. The only 3D design I found online is specifically designed for a new size Schminke palette , which doesn't fit other brands since the pans have different dimensions (around 1-2mm shorter than other brands and a bit wider). I really liked the design but have absolutely ...